
It complements and improves your treatment

What does it consist of?

The medicinal use of plants goes back to an ancestral knowledge that unites fertility with mother earth. There are dozens of plants that improve fertility, that’s why we know that putting you in the hands of an expert in phytotherapy is a great complement to our treatments.

Who is it for?

All women and couples who start a fertility process on Fertilab can benefit from emotional and psychological learning due to its nature as a support tool. On the other hand, this support, as a method of prevention and training, can also considerably improve well-being and quality of life.


Together we choose the simplest, physiological and effective way for you to have a healthy baby at home.

Are you interested in this treatment?

Complement to

IVF In Vitro Fertilisation

The fertilization in Vitro (IVF) is the technique of assisted reproduction in which the union of the ovules and the sperm occurs in the laboratory...

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Artificial insemination is the simplest technique of assisted reproduction. Is the introduction of sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation.

Request an appointment +34 93 241 14 14
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