
The fertility diet is one that promotes the consumption of foods that are part of the Mediterranean diet and are rich in antioxidants and Omega 3.


The medicinal use of plants goes back to an ancestral knowledge that unites fertility with mother earth. There are dozens of plants that improve fertility...

Yoga and meditation

Interesting benefits are reported with the practise of yoga and meditation at a physical and psychological level. Hormonal balance improves, blocks and tension are eliminated...


This technique helps the body to execute gynaecological processes on its own in the right way and in the right order.

Egg Freezing

Egg vitrification is a technique of quick freezing of oocytes that preserves part of the ovarian reserve of women, motherhood in the vital moment that she sees fit so you can have the highest [...]

Reciprocal IVF (ROPA)

The egg donation in pairs, known as ROPA, makes it easier for female couples to experience motherhood in a shared way.

Donor Insemination (IAD)

The procedure is very similar to that performed in the IAC. It has to resort to sperm bank when there is no possibility of getting motile sperm...

Guaranteed blastocysts programme

The transfer of cryopreserved embryos at the blastocyst stage is a treatment that offers greater chances of pregnancy by a single transfer attempt...

Natural IVF

The Natural IVF rely on the physiological and spontaneous cycle of women, do not apply gonadotrophins to stimulate follicles and get several oocytes produce.

Coaching and fertility psychology

Having the support of a psychologist-coach during the fertility process can contribute to live each phase of the treatment in a more healthy and adaptive way.

Embryo Adoption

Treatment consisting of a transfer of embryos previously frozen and from couples who, having achieved pregnancy by in vitro fertilization (IVF),..

Egg donation

The reception is oocyte assisted reproduction technique in which the female gamete (egg) is contributed by a different woman who will receive the embryo.

IVF In Vitro Fertilisation

The fertilization in Vitro (IVF) is the technique of assisted reproduction in which the union of the ovules and the sperm occurs in the laboratory...

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

Artificial insemination is the simplest technique of assisted reproduction. Is the introduction of sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation.