Natural IVF

Know the technique based on the woman’s physiological and spontaneous cycle


The Natural IVF rely on the physiological and spontaneous cycle of women, do not apply gonadotrophins to stimulate follicles and get several oocytes produce. This oocyte, when it is fertilized, becomes a single embryo that will be transferred later.

The success rate is somewhat lower than that achieved with conventional IVF, but involves a number of interesting advantages:

  • Increased comfort for the patient (applying medication is not needed).
  • No risk of multiple pregnancy.
  • No risk of hyperstimulation syndrome.
  • Higher quality oocyte is used by natural selection.
  • More receptive endometrium.
  • Price very affordable.

Nature shows us the best way to do things. Fertilab we think so and, for this reason and always, we try that assisted reproduction techniques are closet to the natural process.


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First free appointment

Our first consultation will be free so that we can make a prior recognition of the situation and find the most appropriate alternative to your case.

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Choose your gynecologist and nurse

In our center your gynecologist and your nurse will continuously monitor the evolution of the process to ensure that they have the maximum knowledge of your case.

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Fixed budget

Our philosophy is based on mutual trust and therefore we guarantee that the price of the treatment will always be the same from beginning to end.

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Without a waiting list

If you contact us we will give you a date immediately so you can start your treatment as soon as possible.


Hormone stimulation. We take advantage of the physiological cycle to obtain the ovule that woman produces in regular conditions.

Ovules retrieval. IVF-ICSI laboratory. We fertilize the oocyte in our laboratory with male partner’s spem.

Laboratory ifv-isci. Embryo culture with Embryoscope +.

Conventional fertilization. Embryo transfer to the maternal uterus.

Natural IVF


  • All medical visits/consulations and ecographies are included
  • Personal Patient Care Assistant
  • Follicular puncture
  • In Vitro Fertilisation
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  • EMBRYOSCOPE + embryo culture and evaluation
  • Operating room fee (embryo transfer 2 – 3 days post puncture)
  • β-HCG Determination
  • Time-lapse video of the beginning of your baby’s life

Not included

  • Genetic screening tests

Pregnancy rates per cycle


Egg donation


IVF own eggs

Are you interested in this treatment?



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This technique helps the body to execute gynaecological processes on its own in the right way and in the right order.

Request an appointment +34 93 241 14 14
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